Access control


BeMove mobile application


New BeMOVE system to manage automatic access remotely and more. Through scenario management, use of time-band devices or activation of controls through the smartphone GPS function, this system does everything that you want, when you want it and especially when you are absent.

The system has a central gateway (HOOP) which acts as the interface between the application (BeMOVE) and the associated products (automation devices for gates, garage, lights, etc.).


Interface gateway between radio-frequency devices and the BeMOVE application.

Three different installation methods (set on its end, on one side or wall-mounted)

Transmission on 433.92 MHz (monodirectional) with eight channels and triple coding: Advanced Rolling Code, Rolling Code and Fixed Code

Transmission on 868 MHz (bidirectional) with i.HOOP transceiver module (accessory)

Integrated WiFi connection module and option to connect the gateway to the router by Ethernet port Two outputs with 230V 5A relay, two inputs (clean contacts) and three indicator LEDs to indicate presence of power supply, WiFi or Ethernet connection and radio signal HOOP is also set up for direct wiring to the automation device controller

Possibility of integrating the system with interface boards to communicate with other protocols (KNX)

Manage up to 16 accounts and 64 radio-frequency devices



868 MHz transceiver module to control operators and devices remotely. For installation on the HOOP central gateway.









868 MHz transceiver module for automation or other devices activated through voltage-free contact (lights, garden watering, air conditioning system, etc.). Remote command and control (status feedback) of the connected devices. Two voltage-free control inputs and two outputs with 230V 5A relay (resistive load). 12 or 24 VAC/DC power supply





BEHAPPY RS1 Plus 433.92 mhZ (91000001)

Transmitter, 1-ch.  with rolling code, 433.92 MHz, system Plus




BEHAPPY RS2 Plus 433.92 mhZ (91570001)

Transmitter, 2-ch.  with rolling code, 433.92 MHz, system Plus




BEHAPPY RS2 NEW 433.92 mhZ (91820005)

Transmitter, 2-ch.  with rolling code, 433.92 MHz, blue





BESAFE CARD (91750010) 10 бр./ (91750000) 250 бр.




BESAFE NFC CARD (91660010) 10 бр./ (91660000) 250 бр.





BESAFE KEY/ E BLACK (91770010) 10 бр./ (91770000) 100 бр.




BESAFE NFC KEY (91670010) 10 бр./ (91670000) 100 бр.




RSB 2224 433,92 MHz (90600000)

Autonomous two-channel receiver

standalone working and/or fully programmable via BeTech APP; possibility

compatible also with “Plus” series remote controls

programmable operations for each of the two channels.




RSBW 2224 433,92 MHz (90600001)

Autonomous one-channel receiver + Bluetooth + WiFi

standalone working and/or fully programmable via BeTech APP

possibility of management, including cancellation, of each individual code




SMART READER (90700000)

Proximity reader + Bluetooth for CARD / KEY 125 KHz and SmartPhone

which allows the implementation of commands of electrical and electronic equipment





NFC (Near field Communication) Reader for BeSAFE NFC CARD and BeSAFE NFC KEY to be used togheter with BeSAFE RX

NEW or INT 2206 NEW






Transponder reader for BESAFE CARD and BESAFE KEY to be used togheter with BESAFE RX

NEW or INT 2206 NEW





BESAFE RX NEW (92680001)

Electronic control unit for access control with integrated radio module

Management, based on standard RS 485, of 2 BESAFE READER NEW, 2 BESAFE KEYBOARD and
2 BESAFE NFC READER, for the implementation of commands given via radio control, transponder,
digital keyboard and Smartphone



BeSAFE KEYBOARD (94570000)

Digital switch with 12 keys and 2 channels to be used in conjunction with the receiver BESAFE RX NEW or
the interface INT 2206 NEW

Communications based on RS485 standard






NFC Reader for Smartphone to be used togheter with BeSAFE RX NEW or INT 2206 NEW

Communications with BeSAFE RX NEW or INT 2206 based on RS485 standard




INT 2206 NEW (94670000)

Bichannel interface for connection to electrical and electronic devices of BESAFE READER NEW, BESAFE KEYBOARD and BESAFE NFC READER (up to a maximum of two devices for each type

Communication based on RS485 standard.




INT 2292 (94690000)

Interface, to be inserted into the connector on the board of the BeSAFE RX NEW

allows storage, into an SD Card




LTX 2296 433,92 MHz (92460000)

Signal repeater that integrates a radio transmitter and two wired outputs, to be used with BeSafe RX NEW





RES 2295 433,92 MHz (92480000)

Radio receiver with RS 485 output

can be connected to BESAFE RX NEW